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  • 트위터로 공유
  • 인쇄

Remains of the general Kim Myeon


조선 선조(재위 1567~1608)때의 의병장이면서 학자였던 김면(1541~1593)을 모신 유적이다.

김면은 일찍이 성리학의 대가인 조식을 스승으로 모셨고, 이황의 밑에서 성리학을 공부하였다. 선조 25년(1592) 임진왜란이 일어나자 고령과 거창에서 의병을 모아 적을 물리친 공으로 합천군수가 되고, 의병대장의 칭호를 받았다. 선조 26년(1593)경상북도 병마절도사가 되어 충청,전라도 의병과 함께 적을 격퇴시킬 준비를 하다가 병에 걸려 자신의 죽음을 발표하지 말라는 유언을 남기고 죽었다. 왕이 장군의 죽음을 슬퍼하여 병조판서에 명하였고 선조 40년(1607)에 다시 선무공신에 기록되고 이조판서에 추증되었다. 저서로는[송암실기]3권이 있다.

관련 유적으로는 그의 생애를 적은 신도비와 도암서당, 도암사당 등이 있다.

This historical ruin remains in tact for Chosun King SunJo’s (reigned 1567~1608) royal troop recruiter and scholar Myeon Kim’s(1541~1593) honor.

Myeon Kim’s followed master of Sung Confucianism, Sik Jo and learned Sung confucianism from Hwang Lee. When Imjin-Wae-Ran (Japanese Invasion of Korea) occurred in King Sunjo’s 25th reign, year 1592, fought off the enemy with royal troops recruited from Goryeong and Guchang. As a reward he became governor of Hapchun as well as receiving honorary title of General of Royal Troop. In the year of Sunjo’s 26th reign(1593), he was promoted to Kyunsang-book-do’s minister of army and horses. While he was getting ready to fight the enemy again with Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do royal troops, he acquired an illness and passed away. His will was to conceal his death. When the king found out about Myeon Kim’s death, he commanded to title Myeon Kim’s as Minister of War and in Sunjo’s 40th reign(1607) he was recorded in the book Sunmoo-gongsin (record of patriots) after being promoted as Chief General of War. His literary works consist of three books called [SongAhmSilGi].

Historial ruins which records his life include Sindo monument, DoAhm school, DoAhm shrine, etc.